Set up your account during the tax year
Make a contribution by April 15, 2024 for a deduction in 2023
You can make your contribution in one go - or over the year
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Fidelity has No minimums Simple Set up - Done within Minutes
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Contributions are made tax-free, up to the annual limit and funds can be used tax-free for qualified medical expenses.
For 2023, limits are:
If you have an HSA, you get a triple tax benefit:
After age 65
Almost all medical expenses that is not covered by an insurance or healthshare, are eligible expenses under your HSA to be paid tax free. Examples below are with Fidelity.
Fidelity Resources
Pay for qualified medical expenses anytime with a swipe of your card.
Receive and pay bills for qualified medical expenses.
Get money back for medical expenses that you paid out of pocket.
Medicare Part A, B (via reimbursement) and Medicare Part D are all HSA eligible
For more information and a complete list of all qualified medical expenses, and more information see IRS Publication 502.