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BOROUX systems equipped with Black BOROUX® Purification Elements remove up to 99.999% of viruses and 99.9999% of pathogenic bacteria, while also removing or dramatically reducing protozoa, trihalomethanes, inorganic minerals, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, VOCs, petroleum products, perfluorinated chemicals, rust, silt, sediment and even radiologicals.
Boroux® systems equipped with Boroux®Purification Elements remove up to 99.999% of viruses and 99.9999% of pathogenic bacteria, while also removing or dramatically reducing protozoa, trihalomethanes, inorganic minerals, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, VOCs, petroleum products, perfluorinated chemicals, rust, silt, sediment and even radiologicals.
BOROUX GRAVITY WATER SYSTEMS AND FILTERS are the top choice for anyone who is considering a gravity-fed water purifier, and are available in seven different sizes.
Unmatched in it's class, the BOROUX Water Filtration system eliminates over 200 contaminants from water as well as viruses.
The system requires no electricity, are very portable and easy to set up and use.
The system you select should accommodate the size of your space, the number of people you want to serve, and the reasons for which you will be using the water.
As a guide, consider the following: For typical daily use, multiply the number of people in your group by .5 gallons. In an emergency, multiply the number of people in your group by gallon. This is the recommended minimum amount of water you may anticipate using each day.
Boroux® purifiers are the fastest-producing gravity-fed water purification systems on the market, with purification elements that remove a broad universe of contaminants.
The design replaces slow and exhausting manual pumps with the force of gravity. At the same time the system remains simple to use.
The purification elements may be cleaned, eliminating frequent replacements.
Boroux® purifiers travel easily and function without electricity or water pressure.
Made of highly-polished AISI 304 stainless steel, the housing is built to last.At 2 cents per gallon, Boroux® purifiers are an exceptional long-term value.
Boroux® Purification Elements are rigorously tested for a broad range of contaminants, and extreme-tested for specific concerns.
Here is my water filter system. I purchased mine years ago so at that time it was Berkey. We use it non-stop throughout the day. We bought the Travel size. Please note that we purchased the stainless steel platform and spigot as well.
The Berkey is no longer available. The replacement is BOROUX and the BOROUX FILTERS.
I love it and wish we had bought it years ago.
The water tastes great, it requires no electricity and is extremely portable.
I like knowing that, no matter what, I have access to over 60,000 gallons of water that works out to pennies on the gallon before I even need to change the filters.
You can literally gather water from the run off of your driveway and have PURE WATER!
That is the power of a gravity water filter! Check them out! You will be glad you did!